2 min read
Balkan`s Slow Food Made via Milk Fermentation (Forgotten Recipes Revival...and ready for your multicooker)
Ahchak/Kataq/Svedene This product has many names in different regions. Nowadays, the commercial product “kataq” can also be a mix of...

5 min read
Lumpy, ropy, sloppy, and viscous texture when making yogurt and kefir at home and how to fix that
Slow fermentation sometimes delivers a lumpy, ropy, sloppy, and viscous texture when making homemade yogurt and homemade kefir. Although...

2 min read
Sourcing milk when ready to make some homemade cheese (Critical Task)
Sourcing milk is one of the most critical tasks., Unlike yogurt and kefir, cheeses preferably are made with minimally processed milk from...

3 min read
The Skim milk and traditional yogurt
Many people asked why skimmed milk and its variants are not considered authentic for making yogurt. Well, there are two reasons for this...

2 min read
Boiling of the milk when making yogurt and kefir at home
Why we need to always boil the milk when mking yogurt and kefir