3 min read
Balkan`s Slow Food Made via Milk Fermentation (Forgotten Recipes Revival)
Gathered (Frisky) milk (“Brano mlyako ” also known as “luduvalo mlyako” from Bulgarian) No one knows when those recipes were created, but...

2 min read
French Style Yogurt made at home
Many people wonder what French-style yogurt is, and Google shows many sponsored articles linked to the company that introduced the...

3 min read
How to make traditional Sour cream and Easy sour cream.
How to differentiate a Sour Cream and Creme Fraiche Sour Cream has its origins in Eastern Europe, where it is called Smetana. It's a...

3 min read
Short description of the cheesemaking preparations (which everyone can apply at home)
Do you know that yogurt and kefir starters can also make cheese? But how this is possible, you might ask. The reason is that the cheese...

2 min read
Ayran (salty smoothie for hot summer days)
This refreshing drink is perfect for rehydrating on a hot summer day. Mixed with salt, Ayran is a yogurt drink blended to perfection in...

2 min read
How to make Fresh CHÈVRE (Goat cheese) at home using rennet or lemon juice and starter cultures
CHÈVRE is one of the easiest cheeses to make. Operations are simple, and the timing is not strict at all. The name is French, as it was...

2 min read
How to make Paneer and Queso Blanco at home(easy recipes)
Fresh acid-set cheese is one of the easiest to make, and rennet is unnecessary. Different versions of this cheese are famous worldwide...

1 min read
Making Crème Fraîche at home using starter cultures or ready yogurt and kefir
It is famous all around Europe under different names. It is also called Crème Fraiche, Fresh Cream, Sour Cream, Crema Fresca in Spain or...

3 min read
Junket (pudding) or Junked custard
Junket is a dairy milk-based dessert made with dairy milk (any dairy milk like goat, sheep and buffalo) and rennet.

1 min read
Why should I make cheese and other dairy products at home
Fermentation is “controlled spoilage” as different techniques speed up or slow down a particular process. Depending on the control, the...

4 min read
How to make a simple fresh acid-set cheese at home
What to do when the yogurt and kefir mix separate into two halves. Sometimes your yogurt mix can separate into two halves - curds and...

2 min read
How to make homemade frozen yoghurt without an ice-cream maker + 8 top recipes
Frozen yoghurt is great for the summer or winter holidays, especially when combined with poached mulled wine pears, baked apple slices,...