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Authentic Yogurt and Kefir at Home,
Made by You...

Bifido yogurt

Nice and Easy...

Just before you get started, let us tell you a little more on how to grow Lactobacteria.

The Lacto-bacteria work best with whole dairy milk with no preservatives, which can kill them as their purpose is to kill bacteria - no matter ''good'' or ''bad''.

Always consider the type of milk in advance.The milk provides the nutrients which support the life of yogurt bacteria and determines the quality and texture of the yogurt. Different kinds of milk brands and types make different yogurt and different texture.

how to make yogurt, how to make kefir, npselection, fresh yogurt at home

Whichever dairy milk you have, please always boil it first. The pasteurisation standards are different and although a large amount of competitive bacteria is safe for humans; they might be not safe for the Lactobacteria.  Boiling the milk guarantees that the amount of other different bacteria is at its minimum.  Please never boil Plant Based, Alternative milk.

how to make yogurt, how to make kefir, npselection, fresh yogurt at home

Once the milk is cooled down and ready, you can add the bacteria from the sachet/or capsule. Mix well and leave the mixture for a while (between 10 and 30 min) - just to make sure that bacteria will adapt successfully to the environment.

how to make yogurt, how to make kefir, npselection, fresh yogurt at home

The next stage in growing bacteria is to keep the temperature in the mix between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius. This temperature range is the best temperature for bacterial growth. The bacteria will adapt and multiply in the next few hours and then will start to process nutrients and breaking down the lactose, will thicken solids and will create the distinctive texture and taste of authentic yogurt. If you recultivate with ready yogurt please note that bacteria start to work on the milk nutrients directly and in the next 3-6 hours the yogurt will be ready.​

how to make yogurt, how to make kefir, npselection, fresh yogurt at home

Once the yogurt is set, it willbe ready to refigerate. The refigeration will halt the process of multiplying, and will slow it down. The bacterial growth will be reduced greatly and the yogurt will be pleasant in taste.  Otherwise will become too sour.  At this stage the bacteria have not eaten all of the nutrients and they will be alive even in your gut.​

how to make yogurt, how to make kefir, npselection, fresh yogurt at home
Anchor 2


Milk Fermentation - explained

Do you know what triggers milk fermentation?

In order to make yogurt you need to add yogurt bacteria in the milk. When they get in the milk at a temperature between 40-45 degrees Celsius the bacteria start eating the Lactose in the milk and convert the milk into yogurt. 

The next video will show the chemistry point of view.

Milk fermentation - how to choose the right milk for it
From milk to yogurt

See how some of the commercial yogurt is made.


If you want a product like that above, go to a supermarket. Otherwise visit my online shop!

Buy some yogurt, kefir and vegan starters

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